Back in Ksar Ghilane we let the last three days relive. In Douz, we have regenerated men and materials. Exhaust welded, water pump replaced, oil in, oil out, tanks and canisters filled to the brim. Our food boxes were freshly refilled also. And then relaxed a little at the pool. The special stage from Douz to Ksar we tackled early. About 200 km of pists, dunes and anymore pists had what it takes. If the stage “Le Lac” had potential for a queen stage, “Douz to Ksar” will be a fate stage. To get the day’s victory, discipline and patience are necessary.
Today was a backup route of about 250km on the program again. Everything included, fastest pists, beautiful high dunes and stony passages where it is to keep a cool head. Iris and Heiko just come back with the Gazelle from their special stage, which has probably made very high demands on man and machine.
Tomorrow we will look for a new dune passage, to replace a part of camel grass. Certainly not without.
Greetings from the desert. Christian
(translated, on 25 march)