Information about our events planned for 2020 …

… taking into account the current corona pandemic:

Our internal pre-tour to the rally “El Chott” will be postponed to the next possible date, depending on further developments, also in Tunisia and the transit countries Austria and Italy.

The RTG 2020.1 planned for mid-May in Olszyna (PL) is expected to be postponed to a later date. We will publish final information on this after the Easter weekend.

The planned date for the rally presentation still remains for the time being. Whether the presentation can actually take place depends on the current contact restrictions have been lifted by then and the hotel “Eisenacher Haus” will be open or not on June 6th, 2020.

Even if a forecast for autumn is currently hardly possible, we still plan to hold the RTG 2020.2 and the rally “El Chott” on the dates specified.

In addition to the current medical situation, the prerequisite for holding our events is, above all, sufficient numbers of participants.
Of course we can understand, if over the course of the year to some participants things are in the foreground that are more important than RTG or El Chott.

Particularly important from this point of view are the two final information:

  1. If the “El Chott” 2020 will not be held as a rally due to the insufficient number of participants, we will organize the planned program for the teams of the two tourism groups and all other interested parties in the same period.
  2. If no alternative dates are found for one or more events, all participation fees already paid will be credited to later events. If teams cannot or do not want to take part in these events, we will reimburse the amounts already paid. The same applies, of course, if we have to finally cancel events.

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